Category Archives: Uncategorized

Manicure Monday: fall is here! wait, no ?

by : Katrina

Happy Manicure Monday everyone!

“Katrina it’s 70 degrees today, tomorrow 84, and Wednesday 92!-_- and then back down to 70 on Thursday”  – morning text for Kim (lol)

NY weather seems to be trying to make it’s way into fall but still can’t cut the cord from summer just yet- similar to our manicures this week.

Kim’s Mani:

Color: OPI  “dulce de leche”  –  a beautiful nude/pink cream color!

& on her pinky: OPI ” diva of geneva”  – A red based- purple color with the perfect gold shimmer.

Isn’t her home mani on point though ?

photo 3

Sam’s Mani:

Color: “Sprung” by OPI from their Mariah Carey Collection

The perfect and fun shimmery- copper color. &  its opaque!

Salon: Spring Nail on 14th st
photo 2

Katrina’s Mani:

Color:After School Boy Blazer” from Essie‘s fall 2013 collection.

This blue-black color is perfect.  Also- Lasted longer than any other Essie color I’ve tried.

Salon: Rose Nails – NJ
photo 1

Thanks for checking out our bipolar manicures to match NY’s bipolar weather. What do you guys think?! 


Filed under Drug Store Gem, Home Remedies, Nails, Scavenger Hunt, Uncategorized

A Princess Party

By: Sam

Hey Guys! Hope you all survived the moody Mondays. This past weekend my niece, Leyla celebrated her 5th birthday with the help of a Disney princess theme. The weather was gorgeous, the kids were aplenty, and the food was delicious. Appropriately,  Leyla dressed up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast 🙂

I wanted to take this opportunity to wear my newNARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil ($25) in their new shade, “Cruella” which is a beautiful scarlet red. I used my favorite NARS blush ($29), “Luster”, my favorite YSL “Shocking” Mascara in jade black ($30), and finally highlight my brow bones with Benefit’s Watts Up highlighter ($30). I must say I felt like a princess myself. After many humid sticky summer days, this past Saturday was the perfect weather to be dolled up. Below is a slideshow of some photos of my makeup look and of the party:

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I also met a girl named Zomely. The first thing I noticed was her hair (of course), it was so long and healthy! Aside from having a blog worthy look, she was very sweet and open to sharing the scoop on her beauty:


Name: Zomely

Age: 19

Location: Westchester, NY

Favorite Beauty Product: “Lancome Liquid Eyeliner ($30) is my staple”.

On her waves: “I braid my hair when it’s wet, let it dry, and undo the braids”.

What’s your beauty secret? “This may sound weird but caffeine, it gives me enough energy to work out and feel good and helps control my appetite”.

Tell us! What makes you feel beautiful?

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Filed under Hair, Makeup, Splurge, Uncategorized

Back to school Beauty: San Juan edition

by : Katrina

Hello everyone! As I said on Manicure Monday I recently relocated to San Juan, Puerto Rico. I’m a Virgo- I just can’t keep still. I got tired of work, work, oh and more work (& New Jersey) so I decided to just get up, leave, and go back to school. Why Puerto Rico? Why not? 😉 Coming from the hot NYC summer I figured the transition to the humid, rainy 90 degree weather everyday of PR would be a piece of cake but I was completely wrong.

1. my face freaked out – I have normal skin and never had problems with breakouts until I got here! It’s probably because of all the sweating. i know, gross.

2. Is there such thing as hair sun burn? because I definitely acquired that here.

3. I feel like I’m getting darker and darker by the second. Sun block has become part of my daily regimen for my entire body! (I don’t want to come back looking like a leather bag) same goes for OFF bug spray 😦

4. Last but definitely not least: Make-up. I’m limited to cool lipstick, mascara, little blush, and eyeliner if I’m lucky. Foundation or anything else? It’s just too hot for all that!

With the help of:

Cetaphil Dermacontrol Mosturizer SPF 30– Aveeno Daily moisturizer was too heavy and thick for me in this heat. This moisturizer is for acne prone skin, absorbs quickly to restore your skin’s natural balance, and provide a non-greasy, matte finish.

Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-touch Sunscreen – SPF 70- the sun is real out here! This is my favorite sunblock so far. It’s super light weight and smells like baby lotion.

Aveeno Calming Body Wash– showering 3x/day, sunblock, and bug spray can definitely dry out your skin so bars of soap are out of the question for me. This creamy lather moisturizes my skin and is enriched with natural ingredients known for their calming benefits.

Shea Moisture Deep Masque -weekly for my sun burnt hair (product review in previous post :P)

I think I’m back to school ready!

Here is a slide show of some of my daily looks! enjoy 🙂

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Anyone have suggestions on lightweight foundations with SPF? something that can withstand this heat!


Filed under Drug Store Gem, Hair, Makeup, Natural, Scavenger Hunt, Skin, Splurge, Uncategorized

Manicure Monday – Is it fall yet?!

by: Katrina

Even though I”ll be missing Fall in NYC this year (I relocated to Puerto Rico – stay tuned for PR beauty posts) Sam, Kim, and I are beyond  excited for fall beauty trends: new nail colors, new lip trends &  dark lips, straight hair without frizz, cool make up without it melting off once you step outside, bangs maybe?  I can keep going-We just cant wait!

With that said, Monday is Monday no matter where you go- it’s still the most annoying day of the week even if you’re surrounded by tropical weather and beaches.  Manicure Monday posts are keeping me sane this morning/ afternoon so take a look at ours:

Kim’s Mani: 

From the Essie Fall 2013 “For the Twill of It” collection Kim has on Vested Interest :a mid-toned green-grey creme color. What made her choose this color? She’s dying for fall-That is all.


Sam’s Mani:

Sam has been nude-y and pink-y lately and  wanted to take a trip on the wild side and has on “Into the Night” by OPI from their Amazing Spiderman Collection. (sam wasn’t playing when she said she wanted to get wild lol) It’s the perfect metallic midnight blue.


Love both of these colors! What do you guys think? Manis were done at Spring Sun Nail Spa on 14th St . $24 for a mani & pedi

What fall colors are you excited about?!

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Filed under Drug Store Gem, Nails, Natural, Scavenger Hunt, Splurge, Uncategorized

Cutting off the Claws

by: Katrina

Happy Manicure Monday everyone! After weeks of growing my nails to what to me is “claw” lengths, the saddest day came when I had to cut them off. 😦 Having long nails definitely made me feel pretty, more girly, and all that good stuff- plus they looked amazing! But from scratching myself by accident to getting caught in random things- I just couldn’t take them anymore. How do you ladies do it?! Sam also had to trim her claws down. It was a devastating week for both of us but if you can’t even work a copy machine because of your nails- its a problem. Are we just being dramatic ?

Left: Last picture of my claws in American Apparel “Office”

Right: Post claws in Essie’s “Meet me at the altar”

Sam’s Mani: ” Up Front & Personal” by OPI

Nail Salon: Inwood Nail 4963 Broadway (between 207th St & 211th St) New York, NY 10034


Kim’s Mani: “Where’s my chauffeur?” by Essie

Nail Salon: Spring Sun Nail Spa 221 W14th st New York, NY 10011

Kim is still fortunate enough to have her beautiful claws!

Kim is still fortunate enough to have her beautiful claws!

Do you ladies prefer long or short nails ?


Filed under Drug Store Gem, Home Remedies, Nails, Natural, Scavenger Hunt, Splurge, Uncategorized


By: Sam

There comes a time in every girl’s life when your skin doesn’t want to cooperate. Whether it’s a hormonal breakout or one honkin’ zit…we’ve all been there. When this happens, panic and stress ensues and you try to find any and every possible remedy. Desperate times call for desperate measures: heavily medicated spot treatments, face masks, experimenting with high end, all natural, or over the counter skincare products, or a top of the line facial. In recent weeks I’ve been dealing with more than just breakouts, I would call it an outright rebellion. Rashes, irritation, bumps you know, the skin apocalypse! I also was experiencing some stomach pains, nausea, and physical weakness. What gives?! After about a handful of meltdowns, I decided to see a dermatologist.

Two of my older sisters swear by Bobby Buka’s work with their respective skin issues. When they saw that my skin was in need of professional help (lol), they recommended that I set an appointment ASAP. I made an appointment with Dr. Amy Spizuoco and I found out more than I had bargained for! First and foremost, the office downtown (214 Sullivan St. New York, NY) is G O R G E O U S, very hip and modern, (no anxiety filled white walls or clinical feel). Anyway, I told the doctor my skincare history, including my most recent purchases and she even asked about my eating habits. After this, she called in a facial specialist to take a closer look at my skin. After basically being dissected, it turns out I am allergic to dairy. 😥 After reading about all the symptoms that come from a dairy allergy, all of my past boughs of illness and weird digestive behavior finally made sense. Dr. Spizuoco was very sweet and helpful and quickly knew what to prescribe me for my skin: Epidou & Tretinoin:

Epidou– An antibiotic-free, topical treatment. Contains 0.1% adapalene (a retinoid- a vitamin A derivative, great for anti-aging and scarring), and 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. It is designed to get rid of any kind of breakouts you’re working with and keeps them away by unclogging blocked pores and penetrates beneath the surface of the skin. Results may vary and can be seen anywhere from 4-12 weeks. Epidou also as an APP to track your progress and to remind you to apply the cream/gel when needed.

Tretinoin– another vitamin A derivative used to treat acne and all that comes with it, dark spots, wrinkles, and sun damage. Can also be used to treat inflammatory red bumps (yes those pesky, painful hormonal breakouts on your chin and jawline!)

The facial specialist was equally as helpful, advising me to use a mild cleanser from Neutrogena or Cetaphil, use SPF 30+, and a night moisturizer that does not combat with the medications (no AHA or Glyolic acid). Also she told me to stop exfoliating and using toners 😯 , because the Epidou basically takes care of those functions. She also enforced the importance of using face masks at least once a week, preferably all natural. She was kind enough to write down a facial recipe for me to use:

photo (19)

Basically, you make organic oatmeal using soy milk and purified water and when it is ready you put it in the blender with the rest of the ingredients. Then, you leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse and proceed with your nighttime medication or moisturizer.*She advised I alternate between essential oils: Licorice oil for brightening properties for tired or dull looking skin. Calendula oil for its healing properties. (Both can be found at health food stores) You can also use honey in place of agave nectar in this recipe.

Here is a slideshow of my new and improved skincare routine:

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Overall, my experience at the dermatologist was an eye opener. After spending money on countless products trying to fix my own skin issues, I feel like getting insight from a professional is exactly what I needed to get on the right track.

Tell us! What is your favorite face mask? Have you ever needed a skinervention?


Filed under Drug Store Gem, Natural, Skin, Splurge, Uncategorized

“Millennials on a Mission”: Thirteenth and Hudson

Chasity Cooper was kind enough to feature and interview us on her blog. Please check it out on ! It was a pleasure.Thanks so much for the love and shoutout! 😀


Happy Friday Everyone!

I hope that you all have enjoyed this first wonderful week of summer. It’s hard to believe that next week will already be July! But I’m so excited for today’s installment of “Millennials on a Mission”. To kick it up a notch, I’ve decided to also spotlight groups of millennials are doing amazing things together (because as we all know, teamwork makes the dream work.) This week’s post is about three young ladies that have taken their amazing friendship to new heights and collaborated to share their love for all things beauty-ful.

I’d like for you all to meet the ladies of Thirteenth and Hudson.


Kimberly, Katrina and Samantha  met their freshman year of high school ten years ago at Notre Dame School, a Catholic girls school in New York City. After high school like most friends, they each took different paths: Kim studied journalism…

View original post 926 more words


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Breakouts Be Gone! – Bianca

by: Katrina

Hello everyone! Today I want to introduce my beautiful little sister… and her not so beautiful bumps (lol). For the past 23 years I’ve been lucky enough to not have bad breakouts (knock on wood) but my teenage sister unfortunately is experiencing them. She has gone through various facial cleansers and moisturizers. Many would clear up her face but nothing would KEEP the pimples away. Worrying and stressing over it made it worse so she finally got some help from a dermatologist. He prescribed her 2 topical medications:

1. FINACEA – first and only gel approved by the FDA to treat the bumps, pimples, and rosacea. It contains azelaic acid (AzA), a naturally occurring ingredient. It comes in a water-based gel (fragrance and alcohol free) and helps to limit allergic reaction and dryness

2. DIFFERIN- comes two ways: two different strengths, one gel and one lotion (doctor determines which is best for you). Bianca uses the clear gel which is for more challenging acne. It works under the skin’s surface to unclog pores, clear pimples, and most important – keep them away!

Name: Bianca

Age: 15

Skin Type: Oily

Skincare Routine: “When I wake up in the morning I rinse my face with cold water then dab it dry with a clean towel. Afterwards, I apply Finacea in pea size drops on my pimples and any marks on my face. Then, I apply Differen- pea size drops on my forehead, one on each cheek, and one on my chin and massage onto my face. I do this before I go to bed and sometimes after school if my face feels dirty.”

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Now my sister is acne free and enjoying life ! hahaha


Tell us! How do you treat your breakouts?


Filed under Skin, Uncategorized

Review: Defend Argan Oil Moisturizer

By: Thirteenth & Hudson

A few weeks ago we were very excited to receive our first beauty samples from Purelement Naturals. We received the Defend Argan Oil Moisturizer ($48). This moisturizer contains 100% Pure Argan Oil (contains vitamin E), lavender, frankincense, bergamot, carrot seed, myrrh, and geranium. These are all essential oils that are beneficial to skin problems such as acne, wrinkles, eczema, redness, and uneven skin tone. It is also multifaceted, an all-around beauty product; applicable to one’s face, body, and hair. We all tried out the moisturizer and worked it into our individual skin regiments. Here below are our individual experiences with Defend Argan Oil Moisturizer:

Kim: I have combination/ oily skin, so once I heard our samples were actually an oil–I freaked out. Oil on oil? Sounded like a disaster waiting to happen. Fortunately, that wasn’t my experience at all. I experimented with the oil, combining it with my usual nighttime moisturizer (Neutrogena’s Oil Free Moisture for Combination Skin) for a few nights and using it on it’s own once or twice. I absolutely LOVED the result! I woke up in the morning with my skin feeling incredibly refreshed. Obviously I was thrilled with the results, as I usually wake up dying to wash off the oily buildup my skin. Now, a simple splash of cool water and my moisturizer/ SPF combo is all I need for my face in the morning. Let me just tell you, when Purelement Naturals says “defend,” they mean it!

Katrina: I have normal skin so I rarely see any difference between moisturizers.  I was excited to try the oil moisturizer simply because it smelled so good.   I  wasn’t expecting it to do much for my skin but the Defend Argan Oil Moisturizer worked great as a nighttime moisturizer. I apply it before bed after washing my face with my daily cleanser and wake up to perfectly moisturized and soft skin. It’s feels so good that I don’t  even want to wash my face in the morning! I just rinse with lukewarm water instead.  After I rinse my face, my skin still feels moisturized, but I apply a dab (not even half of what I would usually apply) of my Aveeno moisturizer for the SPF. I also love that all you need is just two drops! A little goes a long way.

Sam: Before using the moisturizer I had skin that woke up looking dull and uneven, so I immediately thought to try this at night before bed. I apply it over my night serum. Just two drops; rubbing into my hands and all over my face and neck. I have combination/sensitive skin with the occasional hormonal flare ups, so the Argan Oil Defend Moisturizer made me feel like my skin has calmed down and the scent is intoxicating, puts me right to bed. (lol) In the morning, I now wake up with glowing skin that looks well rested, perfectly balanced, and not to mention so soft. I still have some left but when it’s empty I’m definitely going to get the full size bottle! This definitely has me curious as to what other goodies Purelement Naturals has to offer.

Thanks again, Purelement Naturals, for the taste of your liquid gold! We are official fans!

Check out Purelement Naturals!


Filed under Natural, Skin, Uncategorized

Review: A Case of Deja Vu

By: Sam

Last Sunday, as I was walking in Soho, Oshi, a woman in front of a beauty shop called Shalva Dead Sea Minerals (68 Spring Street New York, NY 10012, (212)-219-8711)  offered me a sample of their lotion. As I gladly took a sample, she enthusiastically asked me to try out their body scrub for free. I had some time to kill so I decided why not? Here is a photo of the body scrub below:

Deja Vu Dead Sea Minerals Green Tea Luxury Body Scrub ($50). This body scrub is designed to cleanse and stimulate your skin’s natural activity, promoting smooth and refreshed looking skin. It is also ideal for all skin types, using dead sea minerals, tea tree extract and olive oil (safe enough to use on your face and whole body). Oshi put some of the body scrub on my hands and asked me when was the last time I washed my hands, which was 5 minutes prior at a Starbucks. I worked the scrub all over my hands, then she sprayed my hands with some water so I can rinse it into a bowl. I was so shocked and how clean and soft my hands felt I almost didn’t notice how dirty the water in the bowl was! It was that moment I became a believer.

Generally, I am skeptical about body scrubs and exfoliating because my skin is super sensitive and anything too harsh makes my skin freak out (although I know it is crucial to one’s skincare regiment). However, Oshi spent a lot of time convincing me that this body scrub (as well as their other luxury products) were the real deal and I saw and felt the results. Below is a slideshow demonstrating how I use the body scrub:

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I now use this body scrub every Sunday to wash the week off my body and start anew for the week ahead. My entire body feels so soft, supple, but deeply cleansed. It’s absolute heaven.  After scrubbing all you need is to rinse off with water and some body lotion. I highly recommend!

*Also, my manicure this week is Essie’s “Blanc”($8). 😎

I’m not sure they have other shops outside of New York City but a few seem to be available on  (from about $12-$20).

What exfoliators/body scrubs do you use?


Filed under Nails, Natural, Skin, Splurge, Uncategorized